Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Animal Cruelty Intresting Introduction to Speech

Cages upon cages are stacked in a plain room. Each contains a monkey that will live there the rest of its life which could be years or days away. From isolation and insanity they pace round and round in circles. When they are taken out different tests are performed on them. Among these brutal experiments, is being shoved in tubes to be bled, having tubes shoved down their throats, and being painfully injected several times. These animals will never be free. Human clinical and epidemiological studies, cadavers, and computer simulators are faster, more reliable, less expensive, and more humane than animal tests.Ingenious scientists have developed a model â€Å"microbrain† from human brain cells to study tumors, as well as artificial skin and bone marrow. We can now test for skin irritancy on cells in a test tube, produce vaccines from human cell cultures, and perform pregnancy tests using blood samples instead of killing rabbits. Says Gordon Baxter, cofounder of Pharmagene Labor atories, a drug research company that uses only human tissues and computers to develop and test drugs, â€Å"If you have information on human genes, what’s the point of going back to animals? â€Å"Every year around 1 million animals are subjected to potentially dangerous drugs that may cause severe pain both physically and psychologically to the animal. Can you not see the irony in this? Every year around 1 million animals are subjected to potentially dangerous drugs that may cause severe pain both physically and psychologically to the animal. Visualize the pumping of chemicals into a rats' stomach, hacking muscle tissue from dogs', and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers. Is there a purpose for this? When picking out your mascara or eyeliner, do you even stop to see what kind of makeup you are using?You could be supporting animal cruelty and not even know it. Today many makeup products, such as mascara, are being tested on animals. Helpless a nd defenseless animals are being performed on for different types of experiments all around the world. Animal testing is animal cruelty. It's something that goes unnoticed every day because of the benefits for people that are a result of it. You are most likely connected with it every day; it's the new cosmetic line that you just bought, your shampoo you use daily, or maybe even a vaccine. It's something that's overshadowed by advancements in the medical field.

Porn Addiction: Causes And Effects Essay

Porn addiction is one of the current problems brought about by the advancement in the information technology sector. Like other addictions, addiction to porn exhibits some common signs and follow a similar pattern as other addiction to substances and drugs. Addiction to pornography can be seen when one spends more time engrossed with a pornographic material to a point of neglecting important people like family or friends. After these moments, the person may also exhibit â€Å"mixed feelings of well being and guilt† because they have to lie about the time they’ve spent looking at or reading the material (Help Guide). The addict may also exhibit anxiety and depression when unable to access the material or might generally be irritable when their time to find complete sexual pleasure is interrupted or shortened. At times when the addiction becomes too serious the addict may experience hardships at the work place or in school because of frustration or may start misusing money by buying more porn materials or gambling and further much worse start engaging in flings with unknown people to satisfy new sexual fantasies. (Help guide) pornography in the current age has become harder to control and hard to censure. The internet which is relied upon by millions of people for information and telecommunications has played a big role in spreading pornography to people of all ages. Given its simple accessibility and fairly liberal use in many countries, any person with the knowledge of using a computer can access pornographic material on the internet at any time. According researchers to Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, meaning that it is a highly addictive leading to undesirable characters â€Å"such as, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction†, Singel (2004). The fact that the internet allows one to access numerous sites anonymously makes it ideal for porn viewing to become a habit. To make it worse even children as young as 7 yrs old have been known to access porn from the internet. Pornography is hard to delete from the mind one an addiction sets in. compared to cocaine addicts, the porn addict has a difficult time â€Å"†¦recovering from their addiction than cocaine addict†¦ since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever†¦Ã¢â‚¬  because the chemicals released in the body are what heroin and other substance users really aim for but never achieve; thus it is hard for anyone who is an addict to ever fully recover (Singel, 2004). The internet presents the largest challenge in the fight against porn and addictions. About 5 years ago over 1. 3 million porn sites and more than 260 million pages, making it one of the most profitable industries in the United States. In 2006 the industry raked 13. 3 billion dollars in the United States alone and more than 97 million dollars in the web. According to statistics form the internet filter review more than 72 million users accessed adult sites each month (Statistics on pornography). According to Statistics from Divorcewizards. com â€Å"At a 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, two thirds of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended â€Å", had been divorced and they blamed the internet as a major cause of break in the marriage among the cases they pointed out, porn contributed to more than half of the reasons given. (Statistics on pornography). Other effects the computer had on the individual were carpal syndrome and dry eyes especially those who access porn on the internet while seated; headaches and sleep disturbance; eating irregularities among other issues. The underlying causes for the development of addiction could be mental illness relationship problems and /or substance abuse. According to experts there was a big connection between people who used substances and hard drugs and porn addiction. In other instances such as the church, many pastors admitted that they had either been tempted or had actually been accessing porn thorough the net even when they knew this was a sin. They also admitted that pornography was always an issue when it came to the congregation and the clergy alike such that a survey revealed that more than 30% of the clergy men in the past 8 years have visited the pornographic sites in and majority of them a couple of times. ( Statistics on pornography) It was also discovered according to Focus on the Family Poll carried out in October 2003, that at least 47% percent of families indicated that they hard experienced problems at home because of pornography especially with the children and adolescents. According to London school of economics, children who were aged between the ages 8 to16 were much more likely to have viewed pornography within their home setting. This was supported by figures which showed that 9 out of 10 children within the specified age bracket had accidentally viewed porn on the internet in computers they use at home together with their families. Also important is the fact that 1 out of every 7 children who frequently used the internet had been sexually solicited; a realization that sex predators had started using the internet to lure kids. Indeed, according to the journal of Adolescent health 76% of victims in the internet initiated sexual exploitation case fell between the ages 13 to 15 and mostly girls. In most of these cases the children were led into sexual encounters which were mostly forced. The coarse language and sexually overt material that the internet and other media, displayed became a matter of concern for the government in 1996 where the United states department of justice noted the â€Å"Never before in the history of telecommunications media in the United States has so much indecent (and obscene) material been so easily accessible by so many minors in so many American homes with so few restrictions†(statistics on pornography). A leading psychologist Dr. James Dobson explains that â€Å"pornography addiction causes a person to become desensitized to the material,† making one develop boredom or lack of interest in what was once appealing. This is also followed by fantastic imaginations of the victim playing different roles in different scenes; begins to treat serious relationships casually and shows solitary tendency preferring to spend a lot of time privately. Dr. Dobson demonstrates how porn addicts unable to be satisfied by their partners decide to seek their fantasies and this leads to serious problems in marriage and even divorce. Cyber sex seems to have taken the place of relational sex because in majority of the patients he was attending to, 68 % had been hooked up to cyber sex did not have relational sex. Usually, as was testified by some of his patients, the individual beginning the habit does not realize it’s an addiction until they try to stop and they can’t. The thing becomes bigger than the individual hence it alienates him from his family and friends. (Gabriel Lefrancois, 2008). Defenders of pornography have put forward arguments that pornography in itself is not harmful, and therefore Banning or regulating it is unfair. Basing their argument on the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, 1970, they reject the apparent relationship between exposure pornographic material and the resulting behavior. However over the years many researches have conclusively shown there is a significant relationship between conditioning and human behavior. Psychologists at the Wisconsin University found that â€Å"brief exposure to violent forms of pornography can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior. Male viewers tend to be more aggressive towards women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape†. The psychologists showed that continued exposure to such materials made people insensitive to rape as a criminal offense thereby changing their attitude attitudes toward women in particular the way they viewed and treated women (Documented Effects of Porn). In addition, increased exposure to the materials also created an unusual desire for violent sex, conflict and suffering deviant behavior like abuse as well as molestation and pedophilias. Sociologists such as Murray Straus and Larry Baron of University of New Hampshire found out that rape increased exponentially with rates of high sales of sexually laden magazines. This was also confirmed by experiments carried out to show that exposure to violent and no violent pornography over some time yielded different results. Exposure to non- violent pornography made the subjects in the research very accommodating and understanding of women and they tended to be much gentler with them, however exposure to violent pornography gave the opposite results proving that ‘exposure to violent pornography, even after provocation , produced essentially no antiwoman aggression, fantasies, or attitudes†( American Psychological Association). A University of Texas Professor Robert Jensen in 2008, showed how attitudes expressed in porn spread from the California valley where the porn films were made â€Å"†¦to the bedrooms of real people in real places,† Jensen explained how this permeating effect of pornography was harmful due to racial undertones it carried which to a larger extent have continued to a main feature of television programs. He argued that porn expressed the desire by woman to be mistreated and the right of men to do so. He finally conclude that in order to tackle individual and societal harms produced by porn, we must acknowledge a moral quality to our relationships with one another and must come to a consensus on what the â€Å"limits of the sexual experience are. † (Kalloch Andrew, 2009) Pornography is very much in the public domain. In the US for instance, almost all theatres show x- rated films; almost every book or video store offer porn materials and most of the movies shown on box office which have sexually exploitive material rake in about 50 million dollars each year. Pamela Paul, a writer notes that â€Å"often pornography use ruins relationships, increases sexual dysfunction, and changes what men expect from women†. She reveals how a person who thinks it is harmless, found out that the moment they got used to pornography, their sex lives changed. They lost the human form of sex and adopted the computerized one. She explains how before the advent of the internet men and women alike used to see porn from time to time but the internet has made it so easy and so harmless that one cannot see when they are slipping in to addiction until it is too late. I fact most of them are usually happy and in complete denial that they are addicted until their marriages or jobs are lost (Paul Pamela, 2005) Though it is evident that the causes of porn addiction may be very few and subtle. The fact that we rely on the internet to communicate and do most of our work puts us in the direct pipeline of pornographic materials available. It is only our curiosity which separates us from clicking the button and accessing millions of materials filled with porn. Like some of the critics have shown, it might be very hard to take the experiments by the psychologists as conclusive because they do not take into account the fact that addicts seek out porn materials by themselves even before the addiction actually sets in and therefore the action by the psychologists in the experiments to give or expose the subjects to pornographic materials in order to observe change in behavior is absurd. The part which makes porn addictive is when it is sought by the person themselves. This trains and conditions the mind such that the body is always guided by the mind to imagine and seek the object of imagination as opposed to merely being given a specific material. Explaining further, there are other sexually stimulating materials which may not be considered stimulating in the general sense of the word for instance wearing boots or uniform of a certain kind. They may be appealing to some people and not elicit any feeling in others. It is therefore the responsibility of the individual to make a choice of weather to avoid visiting porn websites all together in order to have a healthy relationship or to pop in once in a while and risk getting addicted. The choice is yours. References A Help Guide: Internet porn and cyber sex addiction http://www. helpguide. org/mental/internet_cybersex_addiction. htm [Accessed 24th April 2009 Documented effects of pornography http://www. forerunner. com/forerunner/X0388_Effects_of_Pornograp. html [Accessed 24th April 2009] Kalloch Andrews (2009) Texas professor decries porn permeating media: Harvard law record http://media. www. hlrecord. org/media/storage/paper609/news/2009/04/16/News/Texas. Prof. Decries. Porns. Permeating. Effect-3712817. shtml [Accessed 24th April 2009] Lefrancois Gabriel (2008) Online porn addiction, Hitched Magazine [Online] http://www. hitchedmag. com/article. php? id=134 [Accessed 24 April 2009] Paul, Pamela (2005) How porn destroys lives, belief net 2005 http://www. beliefnet. com/News/2005/10/How-Porn-Destroys-Lives. aspx [Accessed 24th April 2009 Ryan Singel, (2004), Internet porn, worse than crack? http://www. wired. com/science/discoveries/news/2004/11/65772 [Accessed 24th April] 2009] Statistics on Pornography, sexual addiction and online perpetrators, http://www. safefamilies. org/sfStats. php [Accessed 24th April 2009] Studies on effects of pornography, Data from PsycLIT Database – American Psychological Association. http://www. netspeed. com. au/ttguy/refs2. htm [Accessed 24th April 2009]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Design a Flow Chart for a Process

Design a flow chart for a process Zoey Johnson University of Phoenix OPS/571 October 27, 2012 One process that seems to be a never ending process in my daily life is doing laundry. With a household of six people, the laundry needs to be done daily or else it will overtake the house quickly. To help illustrate the laundry process I have used Microsoft Word to create a flowchart that depicts the process. Using flowcharts is valuable because the flow of logic is shown throughout the process. Much like a blueprint for a building, a flowchart depicts the development of a process.Factors that affect the process design Water temperature and water level are the factors that affect process of the design. Both factors will determine how the laundry gets done. Performing the process design for laundry is broken down into the following steps. 1. ) Sort the clothes between whites, light colors, and dark colors 2. ) Check that the pockets are empty a. If pockets are empty move to step 3 b. If pock ets are not empty, empty them then move to step 3 3. ) Measure out the desired amount of detergent 4. ) Pour the detergent into the washer . ) Determine if fabric softener is needed. If needed, measure and add. If not go straight to step 6 c. Add Fabric Softener 6. ) Select water temperature. If clothes are temperature sensitive move to step 7, if not move to step 8 7. )Are clothes durable, like cotton d. If Yes use hot water e. If No use cold water 8. ) Determine Washing cycle f. If fabrics are delicate select gentle wash g. If fabrics are not delicate select normal wash 9. ) Adjust the water level per load 10. ) Load the clothes into the washer 11. Turn on washer and wait 35 – 45 minutes for wash cycle 12. ) Take clothes out of washer and put into dryer 13. ) Turn on dryer and wait 60 minutes 14. ) Take clothes out of dryer and fold For the flow chart design, the oval shapes represent the start and end steps for the process. The rectangular shapes represent the process step s. Decision steps are depicted by a diamond shape. Arrows are used to act as a guide to show the flow of process. Identify metric to measure process For the purpose of the laundering process, I have chosen sorting time as the metric for the process.Separating everyone’s laundry into whites, light colors, and dark colors is a time consuming process that can be reduced to reduce the amount of time it takes to do laundry. The remaining steps are fairly automatic so decreasing the sorting time is the best way to improve the process. Start Start Flow Chart Sort clothes by colors: whites, light colors, and dark colors Sort clothes by colors: whites, light colors, and dark colors No No Are pockets empty? Are pockets empty? Empty pockets Empty pockets Yes Yes Measure out desired amount of detergentMeasure out desired amount of detergent Pour Detergent into washer Pour Detergent into washer Is Fabric Softener Needed? Is Fabric Softener Needed? Add Fabric Softener Add Fabric Softener Y es Yes No No Are clothes Durable? Are clothes Durable? Yes Yes Select water temperature. Are clothes temperature sensitive? Select water temperature. Are clothes temperature sensitive? No No Yes Yes Use cold water Use cold water Use hot water Use hot water No No Determine wash cycle. Are fabrics delicate? Determine wash cycle. Are fabrics delicate? No No Yes YesUse normal cycle Use normal cycle Use gentle cycle Use gentle cycle Adjust the water level Adjust the water level Turn on washer and wait 35 – 45 minutes for wash cycle to complete Turn on washer and wait 35 – 45 minutes for wash cycle to complete Load Clothes into washer Load Clothes into washer Take clothes out of washer and load into dryer Take clothes out of washer and load into dryer Turn on dryer and wait 60 minutes for clothes to dry Turn on dryer and wait 60 minutes for clothes to dry Take clothes out of dryer and fold Take clothes out of dryer and fold

Monday, July 29, 2019

Coping with e-commerce (look at firm's distribution strategy in Essay

Coping with e-commerce (look at firm's distribution strategy in meeting delivery performance) - Essay Example To deliver aptly to all these customer sets, Amazon has put in place the largest warehouse and distribution systems for a e-commerce company in the world. Utilizing this extensive and efficient system, Amazon has bee able to improve its delivery performance optimally, even becoming a role model for other companies. â€Å"In the US, more and more traditional retailers are seeking to compete with the efficiency and shipping speed of online.† (Virtual Strategy 2011). E-Bay, which facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers of wide range of products, also exhibit good delivery performance, but not up to the levels of Amazon. However, lately it is trying to improve its delivery performance by adopting various measures. For example, for the sellers, who have optimum delivery performance or times, it offers financial discounts and better placements for their products. In addition, it also added shipment tracking codes, so as to prove that they have shipped the products on tim e. This way, e-Bay could match Amazon in delivery performance. "This is part of the whole picture of [eBay] getting more involved and more controlled like Amazon," ( 2. B2B and B2C It becomes clear that the World Wide Web, unconstrained by the geographical territories and boundaries, allows the businesses to operate in a truly globalized scale. A business which not only takes orders for products online from its merchants or suppliers or the direct consumer customers, but also completes the transaction is a true example of B2B and B2C commerce. Business-to-business or â€Å"B2B† for short, is a term which is commonly used to explain the electronic form of business transactions that takes place between businesses (with minimum role for customers). B2B commerce website will serve as channels that will permit coordination between different businesses and outsourcing companies. Thus, the companies adopting this form or e-commerce will have online outlets, and throug h which they will prefer to deal with other companies only to sell their products and services, instead of directly offering it to the consumers. On the other hand, companies adopting Business to Consumer, or B2C for short, will put in place online portals, which offer products and services directly to the consumers. Many companies or retailers or online retailers all adopt this method, as they reach the product directly to the customer through their own network of supply chain and distribution centers. â€Å"B2C has grown to include services such as online banking, travel services, online auctions, health information and real estate sites† (Bajaj and Nag 2005). Apart from the basic difference in ‘end users’, the difference between B2B and B2C is B2B involves more long-term relationship than B2C, which is maximally one-off. That is, in the case of B2C, after the transaction is over, there may not be continual relationship, however in the case of B2B, the transact ions and relationship could continue for a longer time, if everything works out well. 3. Buy-side and Sell-side As stated by Chaffey (2002), â€Å"when evaluating the impact of e-commerce on an organisation, it is Instructive to identify opportunities; for buy-side and sell-side transactions". Only if those opportunities and the related challenges are identified, organizations can optimally tune its strategies and its organizational processes.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Regression and Forecast of M&A Transactions in the UK Essay

Regression and Forecast of M&A Transactions in the UK - Essay Example 111). Despite the many benefits that accrue to acquisition as a growth strategy, the is significant diversity in the rate of acquisitions between different countries and different regions from across the world. The consequent disparity in the world’s acquisitions has necessitated the investigation into the predictors of this variable in this study, and hence its choice as the dependent variable. Beckeinsten examined the acquisition of firms based on the micro-economic factors that influence acquisition behaviors (26). In his study, economic indicators such as GDP growth, interest rates and stock market index were tested through a series methodology. His findings were that acquisition activity inversely correlate with economic growth. In view of the findings from different empirical studies with respect to the potential predictors of acquisitions, it is crystal clear that the relationship between acquisition activities and the tested economic indicators is not only mixed but al so unpredictable. The complexity, therefore, behind prediction of acquisition activities inspired the researcher of this study to investigate it further. . Figure 1: Rate of acquisition growth (1970-2012): the dependent variable. (Data obtained from U.K office of national statistics) Figure 1 shows the graph of acquisition growth rate from 1970 to 2012. ... The wave of acquisitions is characterized by ups and downs, a pattern that can be associated with economic cyclical patterns. If we can attribute this patter to economic cyclical patterns, then it seems there were major recessions in 1975, 1992 and 2010 and major expansions during 1973, 1978, 1988, 1994, 1999 and 2005. During an economic expansion, the rate of growth of acquisitions seems to increase significantly while the opposite happens during economic recessions. To link these economic cycles to the earlier discussed macroeconomic variables; that is, stock price, market price and GDP, it can be argued that all the three variables move in a positive direction with economic expansion as well as in a positive direction with economic recession. During the time of economic expansion, the wealth of the shareholders tends to grow hence stimulating acquisitions. Increased level of economic activities is also expected to boost GDP growth rate, which sends positive signal to companies enc ouraging them to merge. Furthermore, changes in stock prices affect the financial abilities of companies hence encouraging or discouraging them to merge. During the late 1980s the acquisitions seem to have flourished significantly due to the possible economic boom and a surge in the stock market. Nevertheless, the patterns exhibited in this graph are highly unpredictable and it would be of interest for economist to examine if there is a possibility of negatively linking these waves to important financial activities, which can raise concern over the negative impacts of acquisitions on the economy. Part II Equation: Acquisition_growth = growth_of_market_value + growth_of_ordinary_share price + growth_of_gdp + c Discussion of the model Gross

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss How Benedict's Work Developed Boas Vision of Anthropology And Essay

Discuss How Benedict's Work Developed Boas Vision of Anthropology And Whether It Also Represented a New Direction In American Anthropology - Essay Example This anthropological method is still considered to be highly effective today, as it reduces bias in analysis (Young, 2005). The idea of cultural relativism is also much championed in the work of Boas. Like Benedict after him, Boas held the belief that each cultural system only has meaning when studied as a whole, apart from other cultural systems. The moral compass of that particular culture should not be judged against our own moral compass, because they have to be seen relatively (Herskovits, 1973). Additionally, both Boas and Benedict understood that culture and cultural systems change over time, which means that there is an element of historical relativism found in both their works (Herskovits, 1973). This means that an anthropologist should look at a culture as an entity in both time and space to fully understand the rituals and symbols found within it (Herskovits, 1973). It is interesting to see how Benedict took these original ideas about cultural anthropology from Boas and de veloped them with her own fieldwork and evidence. For example, some of Benedict’s early fieldwork was a continuation of Boas’, working with the Kwakiutl Native American group. Benedict began gathering evidence that, whilst the customs of the Kwakiutl may seem strange, they are intelligible when considered as a part of the whole. This thought was followed on with her own fieldwork on the Pueblo group, found in New Mexico. Again, many of the customs and symbols found in Pueblo culture may seem alien to those reading â€Å"Patterns of Culture†, but Benedict (like Boas before her) encouraged the reader to think outside of their own culture to aid... This paper approves that the cultural relativism which was so promoted by Boas and developed by Benedict has come to be a cornerstone of most academic anthropology. Many academic textbooks promote the idea that a degree of neutrality is needed for true anthropological research. It is easy to assume that all cultures share the same moral and ethical values as our own, but many do not. Many make the mistake of assuming that other cultures are somehow ‘wrong’ for not adhering to ‘our’ values, which ruins empirical fieldwork. In this sense, Boas and Benedict had a huge impact on American anthropology and how it has developed into the scientific field that it is today. Thisreport makes a conclusion that Benedict built on these strong foundations to develop her idea of cultural identity and national personalities, including some of Boas’ fieldwork in her own research. Overall, the work of Boas and Benedict have been highly influential in the field, having been incorporated into the work of important anthropologists such as Margaret Mead. Particularly important are the emphasis that Boas put onto cultural relativism, suggesting that anthropologists need to be careful when examining other cultures to take the culture as a whole without judgement using personal morals and ethics. Additionally, Boas was highly critical of racism within the field, something which is generally championed by anthropologists working in the field today.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Read the assigned readings and answer questions regarding gram stain Essay

Read the assigned readings and answer questions regarding gram stain and lab safety - Essay Example Clothes on fire should be dropped or the person should roll to smother the flames. At the eye wash station your partner should your eyes wide open on a running water. I will incorporate the above safety precautions in my laboratory by ensuring that their posters with guidelines and instruction at every working area in the laboratory. I may also take some time to address my lab mates on safety precautions. A technician may use   physical state  , chemical composition, and purpose, functional type as made to differentiate different bacteria. Physical state media involve the use of non reactive physical substances such as water to nature the bacterias. Chemical reagents may also be used as in the case of chemical media. Microbiologists have many types of media at their disposal. The purpose / functional type may be employed as in a complex bacteria case. One should always have a protective gear, should wear proper clothes, one should care about his hygiene by not bringing food into the room, one should always consider all the materials he or is handling to be harmful. They should also know fire exits and fire drill procedures so that in case of fire the escape, be familiar with all lab process before carrying out any exercise this because some processes are too dangerous, lastly they should keep the working area clutter free and clean to enable easy access to all equipments hey need and also to avoid more injuries in case of an accident. One is not supposed to smell, touch or taste chemicals they may have negative effects on the persons health, youre not supposed to do experiments on your own because a mixture of chemicals may be explosive, never eat in the lab because the food may get contaminated with the chemicals and never add water into an acid this is because it will react explosively. The gram stain procedure distinguishes between gram positive and gram negative groups by coloring the cells red or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A weapons and explosives (ammunition, TNT) burial ground was recently Essay

A weapons and explosives (ammunition, TNT) burial ground was recently unearthed and you have been called in as an expert in bior - Essay Example This would also prevent the unrestricted removal of the explosives and weapons. In addition, this would also prevent accidental release of TNT to water sources. A perimeter fence should be erected on the burial ground, and before the process of bioremediation commences, a mines expert should conduct a risk assessment of the area. This is to ensure that personnel are protected from the random detonation of explosives especially cluster bombs. Protection material should be issued to personnel as TNT is toxic and carcinogenic. The nitroaromatic compounds will be degraded at field scale by employing in situ bioremediation strategies. The microbial cultures for aerobic respiration will comprise of Pseudomonas spp. The rate of the bioremediation process will be increased via biostimulation and this entails the incorporation of nutrient media to boost process efficiency and activity of monooxygenase enzyme. These bacteria will utilize TNT as a nitrogen source by removing it in nitrite form from TNT under aerobic conditions. Further aerobic respiration will result in the reduction of nitrite to ammonium. However other by-products such as nitroso and hydroxylamine intermediates will be formed. After aerobic degradation, anaerobic degradation will follow using Clostridium spp . The Clostridium spp will fully degrade the toxic intermediates. The fermentable sugar that will be supplemented will be molasses and it will provide energy for the Clostridium spp to degrade the nitrate contaminants. After the bioremediation process, follow up tests should be conducted on the soil to check for the presence of nitroaromatic compounds. Routine monitoring should entail collection of soil samples to test nitroaromatic contaminants using high power liquid chromatography (HPLC). Question 2 The process of generating biofuels using algae is viable. Genetic modification can be incorporated to produce recombinant high oil yielding Spirulina alga strains. The alga strains will be cultivated in a pond using starter culture of superior genetically modified alga strains. The special ponds are open paddle wheel mixed ponds. These ponds are low cost and have a low parasitic energy demand (Lundquist, et al 3). The biomass will be harvested via bioflocculation followed by the process of sedimentation. The formed algae slurry will be thickened via gravity sedimentation. Drying of the biomass will be done using solar heat. A hexane extraction plant will be set up to extract oils from the dry algae biomass. The plant must have a large capacity that is approximately 4000 metric tons per day for favorable economies of scale. After extraction of oil from the alga biomass, the residual biomass is recycled back in the pond. It is re-wetted before the process of anaerobic digestion in order to yield biogas and flue gas. Biogas is used to generate electricity that is used in the pond. Flue gas is a source of carbon dioxide in the pond. Other digester residues comprise of carbon and nut rients and they are also recycled in the pond for alga propagation. The nutrients comprise of the much needed phosphorus and nitrogen that is essential for algal growth. Recycling of these crucial nutrients provides a major cost cutting measure. Question 3 The chapter, E.coli genesis from the book Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of

Justification Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Justification Report - Assignment Example From among the host of publications and journals reviewed, the following three are hereby recommended: Logistics Management The Logistics Management boasts of keeping â€Å"logistics and supply chain professionals up-to-date on the latest news and trends in transportation services, equipment and technologies† (EH Publishing Network, 2011). Its detailed subscription offer for new subscribers is detailed herein: Cover Price: $99.00; Sale Price: $0.00; Savings: 100% (12 issues free delivery within US and Canada). Diverse information ranging from top story, blogs, white papers, latest content, webcasts, with top indices provided monthly. As indicated under its subscription offer, â€Å"Logistics Management delivers news and resources for professionals managing the logistics and transportation operations for their companies. In these tough economic times, managing your transportation and distribution costs are more important than ever to help grow your company's bottom line. That' s why Logistics Management magazine is dedicated to delivering timely, insider information that you can use to better manage your entire logistics operation† (EH Publishing Network, 2011).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Science - Essay Example The policies which are given as recommendations seem to be quite useable for those who defend the consensus since they call it necessary for progress. Supporters of the Washington Consensus say that following these recommendations can only lead to greater economic independence for debt laden countries and it is a path which leads to the development of the industrial and services sector. However, those who oppose the policies say that the Washington Consensus is merely a method for America and other developed nations to enter new markets and exploit their resources (Williamson, 2000). Both sides have been quite vocal about their feelings and each highlights the successes and the failures of the consensus. The supporters of the Washington Consensus say that many people misunderstand the recommendations since they are not universally applicable to all nations at all times. Instead of looking at the consensus as forced neo-liberal policies, the policies should be seen as recommendations coming from those who have achieved economic development to those who have yet to achieve it (Harvard University, 2003). On the other hand, those who oppose the policies recommended by the Washington bodies say that the policies are mandated in connected to grants and aid money. Even when the policies have been implemented, they often lead to the country running into a economic crisis which brings more misery for the people than economic development (Harvard University, 2003). Clearly, the difference of opinion warrants a deeper understanding of the policies themselves since they appear to be quite controversial. The primary policies under the Washington Consensus have been outlined by Williamson (2000) as the implementation of monetary discipline in terms of free trade and public expenditure and investments in projects that give economic returns to the people. The alleviation of poverty and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing Communications - Essay Example Usually, target markets are set based on their â€Å"geographic location, their demographic and psychographic characteristics† (Koekemoer, 2004, p.1). Previously, different aspects of marketing communication like selling activities, direct marketing, sales promotion, Internet advertising etc were handled by experts of the respective fields. This generated lack of coordination and frequent inconsistency resulting in reaching target below the optimum level. Today, integrated marketing communication (IMC) is emerging where all kinds of communication and messages are properly coordinated with each other. Basically, IMC is proper integration of all communication tools to make them perform in harmony. Understanding consumer behavior is the primary objective of all marketers. Demand is created when consumers recognize need of a product and change of demand occurs when opportunities change. For instance, a person may prefer superior brands after a job promotion. After recognizing a brand, a consumer then looks for alternatives which may always be price based. For instance, a consumer may prefer quality over price. Consumers of products and services, and business customers all over the world are becoming increasingly accessible (Rosenbaum-Elliot et al., 2011, pp.6-8). Today, the management system is moving from tier system with managers becoming independent and without supporting services. This means managers today need to have full knowledge of marketing which is an ever changing process. The focus of marketing has shifted from acquiring new customers or retaining customers for life to selecting the right kind of customers. The emphasis is on discarding unprofitable customers while at the same time attracting and retaining the more profitable customers. There are many customers who do not remain loyal to any specific brand as they shift to other brands as soon

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human Trafficking in Houston Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking in Houston Essay Texans and Americans alike need to be aware of ongoing human slavery that tarnished the I-10 freeway and they need to know how they can stop the plague of Human Trafficking on Houston Texas. This past January, President Barack Obama recognized Human Trafficking Awareness month. In a published statement the President said he wanted to, â€Å"recognize the people, organizations and government entities that are working to combat human trafficking,† and â€Å"recommit to bringing an end to this inexcusable human rights abuse. † According to the U.S. Department of Justice human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industries, with 14,500-17,500 individuals trafficked in the United States each year and 800,000 globally. With a number of contributing factors, including a diverse immigrant population and major roads for domestic and international travel, Houston is a hotspot for human trafficking in the U.S. According to Religion Link, â€Å"Nongovernmental organizations and nonprofits are now enlisting the aid of religious groups in the fight against human trafficking.† In Houston, organizations like the YMCA, the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition, Free the Captives and Redeemed Ministries are all part of an entrenched alliance of non-profits, both secular and religious, fighting human trafficking in Houston. Constance Rossiter of the YMCA said, â€Å"These partnerships with religious organizations and other non-profits are essential to combatting human trafficking.† â€Å"There are many levels, it’s like a puzzle,† she said, â€Å"fighting human trafficking takes a community of partners including non-profits, churches, synagogues and law enforcement.† Each entity has its role to play, whether it be prevention, lobbying for legislation, advocation, awareness or enforcement, said Rossiter. Free the Captives, a Houston based Christian non-profit, does it all. Having long been involved in education and counseling for at-risk teenagers and potential pimps, Free the Captives is also active in trying to go after suppliers an d buyers in the human trafficking market. Working with attorneys, Free the Captives seeks to shut down trafficking locations by using nuisance abatement laws and other tactics. Taking the fight one step further, the organization recently began lobbying the Houston mayor’s office and local and federal law enforcement to focus on the demand side of the trafficking trade. Calling it the â€Å"Reduce the Demand Campaign,† the non-profit believes it is the primary solution in ending human trafficking. â€Å"To make an impact on domestic sex trafficking you have to go after the buyers,† said a representative from Free the Captives, whose identity is protected due to recent threats made by traffickers. â€Å"It does not matter how many pimps and landlords there are if the buyers are still willing to pay and there is money to be made,† said the anonymous source, â€Å"other pimps and landlords will pop up. You can’t stem the tide without going after the source.† For their part, the Mayor’s Office and the Houston Police Department believe that human trafficking is a major problem and are sincere in enforcing existing laws. In a letter from 2010, Mayor Annise Parker acknowledged the growing problem and said, â€Å"Houston is a hub for Human Trafficking where approximately twenty percent of all human trafficking victims will pass through our city at some point of their enslavement.† The Mayor’s Office recently reiterated the importance of fighting human trafficking and in a response to Free the Captives said, â€Å"Controlling sex trafficking remains of great concern. The governmental focus on landlords and illegal business has brought results. In the last year and a half the Houston Police Department has recovered 73 juveniles, arrested 21 pimps and two â€Å"Johns,† or buyers,† said Lieutenant Andy Lahaye. To do more the police are training their patrol offices to identify trafficking situations and be able to respond or pass on a tip for the vice department to investigate. However, Lahaye commented that it is difficult to go after the buyers and said, â€Å"It’s an underground world, we can’t just put an undercover officer out there as a decoy to catch a ‘John.’† â€Å"It’s all very subsurface, so we are going after what is out there for us to see, even though we want to cut it off at the source. That’s the struggle we are battling.† Free the Captives continues to demand the focus be shifted to the buyers. Although, many of the domestic victims in the world are not being pimped out in spaces that need landlords. While the mayor and law enforcement focuses on landlords they are almost entirely missing vulnerable American teens in private locales. They remain in bondage. Prevention is a key component to the fight against human trafficking and more organizations, not just faith based organizations like Free the Captives, need to focus their energies on prevention and curbing the supply of victims being exploited. In addition to existing enforcement the lobbying efforts of everyday citizens are paying dividends. While there are some great efforts to end human trafficking in Houston, organizations cannot function without active members. There is always something to help with.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Technology Disaster Recovery Plan

Technology Disaster Recovery Plan   Jacob Malone Disaster Recovery-As-A-Service Companies are starting to rely more on technology for their critical operations, data protection, and the availability of their systems. As a result companies or providers are offering new solutions and services in order to make IT disaster recovery cheaper and stress-free. With so many options available for Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service it can be difficult to determine what your business actually needs. The main purpose of a disaster recovery plan is to have the ability to recover any of your hardware, software, and apps after disaster strikes. According to Dustin Bolander, CIO at Technology Pointe, With so many businesses being IT driven, often times business continuity cannot happen without IT having a solid DR plan. The biggest gap we run across is getting the business workforce access again. Many IT departments are prepared to recover servers and networks, but have not considered how to communicate and re-enable the staff to resume work (2017). DRaaS was developed due to the increased demand in technology and instability of disaster recovery. According to Doug Hazelman, Without a robust DR infrastructure, a fire, a flood, an earthquake or even a really bad storm could not only take a business offline, it could take it out completely (2017). When executed correctly, DRaaS is more than a safety net for your information and technology because your users never experience the disaster to begin with. DRaaS is the replication and hosting of physical and virtual servers to a second location, either to a second appliance or the cloud, which is usually located in a distant second site. In the event of a man-made or natural catastrophe, those replicated systems and data can be booted and accessed. According to Rohde and Haskett (1990), disaster recovery encompasses four distint phases: prevention, prerecovery, immediate recovery, and return to normal operations (p. 652). At some point servers, operating systems, and networks will fail and that is when DRaaS will be vital in continuing business operations. When it comes to Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service there are three types to choose from: Self Service DRaaS, Assisted DRaaS, and Managed DRaaS. The Self Service DRaaS model gives you the tools to establish a disaster recovery plan yourself. This means you are solely responsible for monitoring the recovery environments as well as deciding how often to test to ensure the solutions are working appropriately. For example, when a disaster happens your IT team is exclusively responsible for the recovery. This model comes with the lowest investment option, but comes with the tradeoff of time and resources to manage them. In addition, this model is best suited for a business that has internal disaster recovery expertise and enough bandwidth to manage the recovery environment. A second option to the Self Service DRaaS is the Assisted DRaaS. In this model a provider will advise you as you implement, test and manage your solutions. You are still responsible for your disaster recovery plan like in the Self Service model, but a DRaaS provider is standing by if their assistance is needed. Although you are still responsible for your disaster recovery plan a DRaaS provider may step in if IT team members are unavailable to help with failover in case of an emergency or disaster. This option is more expensive than the Self Service model, but it is still cheaper than the Managed model. This model is best for organizations that have IT assets, but are looking for addition help to provide direction and support with a DRaaS solution. Lastly, few providers offer this solution and will not offer a recovery SLA, meaning you are ultimately responsible for the recovery during an emergency or disaster. The third and final DRaaS solution is a Managed model. In this model the vendor or provider is responsible for the development, testing, and management of your disaster recovery plan. They will manage nearly every aspect of your recovery plan in order for the team to focus on the companies priorities. When disaster strikes the Managed DRaaS provider provides and supports the recovery process. This model provides a larger investment than a Self Service or Assisted model, but it provides the highest level of support and surety that the disaster recovery plan will meet the companies needs. Organizations with high demand for IT teams involved in the tactical operations of their business should use this model. Furthermore, this model will come with a SLA from the provider to ensure they will be responsible for the recovery in case of an event or disaster. In order to best understand the replication and backups of DRaaS it is best to picture it on a hot to cold map. This meaning that the hotter the solution the faster the recovery will have. For example, it a solution is hot then the system could be restored in a matter of minutes versus days on the other end of the spectrum. Another thing to consider when looking at a hot solution is the investment. The hotter the solution typically equates to a larger investment. When choosing a solution it is best to find one that balances the needs of your applications to the cost and timeliness of your recovery. The cheapest recovery option on the scale would be backups. According to Wu and Li (2014), it is a process that copies all or part of data from one hard disk to another storage medium (p. 1207). They are often disconnected from running technology and can be retrieved in order to restore system applications. Since these data backups are housed in a physical form like a tape or disk, there will be a large increase in downtime to identify and restore the system. This system typically does not offer the most up to date recovery solution, but they do offer a great long term solution for data preservation for a low cost. If a companies needing a faster recovery timeline then replication would be the best solution. While backups store information for long periods of time, replication will duplicate data as changes in the environment occur. According to Margaret Rouse, The result is a distributed database in which users can access data relevant to their tasks without interfering with the work of others. The implementation of database replication for the purpose of eliminating data ambiguity or inconsistency among users is known as normalization (2012). This option will allow you to quickly access recent changes to your data during a disaster, but it is not meant for long term retention. Real-Time Replication vs. Backup-Based Replication Provides recovery in seconds or minutes Records full environment Tracks Changes as they occur in the environment Reports changes on regular basis (typically once a day) Enables failback to earlier version if needed Table 1 You should not have to scramble in the event that disaster strikes. For every minute your business is down it is losing revenue and reputation. That is why it is best to approach disaster recovery from the viewpoint of disaster avoidance. With this in mind the term IT Availability has emerged. IT Availability differs in several ways from Disaster Recovery. IT Availability recognizes how IT and businesses depend on each other whereas Disaster Recovery views technology in a boxed perspective. Disaster Recovery Focus vs. IT Availability Focus Invest in an insurance policy Invest in ability to serve clients React to downtime and events Be proactive to minimize risk Rely on backups to store data Failover and failback to ensure service Recover anywhere from hours-days Recover in minutes to hours Emphasis on technical infrastructure Emphasis on serving end users Develop minimal process and reporting Process-driven and documented Emphasis on avoiding catastrophes Emphasis on continuous improvement Table 2 With the increased need of Disaster Recovery and the customer demand for uptime, many companies struggle implementing an effective solution before a disaster impacts them directly. According to 2016 Cost of Data Center Outage: Ponemon Institute, it is indicated that just one minute of downtime could cost a company nearly $8,000, but with a proactive approach to disaster recovery could equate to a substantial cost savings. DRaaS can be an effective solution to combat downtime and achieve IT availability. If approached in the right way, it can provide comprehensive proof of recovery to stakeholders and most importantly, increase your availability during an event. Quite simply, the success of your business depends heavily on both DR and BC plans working in conjunction. Most of todays network outages dont occur because of weather-related incidents, but because of human error. Its crucial that companies plan for the full gamut of events that could likely, and unlikely, impact their operations. In conclusion, DRaaS can increase you uptime and cost savings when disaster unexpectedly strikes. It is essentially insurance for your business. References Bolander, D. (2017). Disaster Recovery vs. Business Continuity. Retrieved March 14, 2017, from Guster, D., Lee, O. (2012). Outsourcing and replication considerations in disaster recovery planning. Disaster Prevention Management, 21(2), pp. 172-183. Hazelman, D. (2017). What is Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Retrieved March 14, 2017, from Rhode, R., Haskett, J. (1990). Disaster recovery planning for academic computing centers. Communications of the ACM, 652-657(33), pp. 1207-1210. Rouse, M. (2012, April). What is database replication? Definition from Retrieved March 14, 2017, from Wu, Z., Li, H. (2014). Analysis of data backup and recovery system. Applied Mechanics Materials, 631-632, pp. 1207-1210.

Porters Five Analysis of Honda

Porters Five Analysis of Honda Porters five forces is a framework developed by Michael E. Porter that we use to analyse the industry regarding the internal and external environment, competitors, and also better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. The aim of the five forces is to modify the strategy or just some rules in the firm favour in order to stay competitive, improve the position, and realize profit. Porters five forces is a very useful tool, since it helps us to understand the current position of the firm, and take advantages from the strengths of competition and also improve the weaknesses, and avoid taking a wrong strategy to do not stack in the middle, and lose position in the market. This framework is used to identify whether a product, service, business will be profitable, and also know the suppliers; power of buyers, substitutes, new entrants and competitors that will face the firm in order to stay attractive. Now we will see each force in more detail: Rivalry: this force shows the competition between existing firms that offer the same product or service, and even have the same strategy. If there is many competitors, then you should have a little power over them by adopting a strategy that may be based on price, quality, innovation, advertisement, like differentiation, cost leadership, or the focus on a narrow segment. Threats of new entrants: new firms entering the industry will bring new competition, in order to gain the market, and decrease profitability for existing firms, above all those firms who have little protection and barriers to entry, then expecting some firms to exit the market. Threats of substitutes: the ability of customers to find other alternative ways and products with lower prices and better quality that must satisfy the same needs. There is a product for product substitute, substitute needs and also generic substitute that relates to something that people can do without. Buyers bargaining power: determines the ability of buyers to impose pressure on the firm either by switching to another company or having other substitutes, or cutting down prices. They can also affect the conditions under which all the firms operate. Suppliers bargaining power: determines the ability of suppliers to drive up prices which put pressure on firms if there is a few number of suppliers, or by the uniqueness of their products and the control they have over firms. By analysing and understanding each force, and how it affects the strategy of the firm, it provides the opportunity to identify the strengths of the firm and the ability to modify some points of the strategy to make sustainable profits, and being successful in achieving and establishing appropriate strategies. Porters five forces on Honda Motors: Rivalry: competition in the automobile industries is very high, because there are many firms in this industry which offer many choices for the customers, so each firm try to do its best to make more profit than others, and make its products the more sellable in the market. Toyota, Ford, General Motors are the main competitors of Honda, so it should keep on innovating, improving, researching, and developing to stay effective in this sector. The degree of rivalry in the automotive industry is further heightened by high fixed cost associated with manufacturing cars and trucks and the low switching cost for consumers when buying different marks and models Source: Threats of substitutes: there is not a huge threat of substitute in the automobile industry that offers utility, independence and no wasting time, even if there is a large number of transportation. There are bicycles, subways, buses, trains and airplanes that could make our life easier, but that can be less convenience than automobiles. The price of fuel have a large effect on the consumers decision to buy vehicles, also the maintenance and the insurance of the car, but the automobile still has an important use in our personal and daily life. Barriers to entry: it is not easy for an entrant to enter into the automobile industry easily, because of the brand loyalty of the consumers. It is substantial for established companies to have barriers to entry to protect themselves, because some companies are entering into foreign markets by buying an existing company or either merging with it and then realising a huge profit. With local knowledge and expertise, companies have the potential to compete in the market in which they operate against the domestic firms. Honda took the risk of entering into a long and complex relationship during the 80s with a European company universally considered to be one of the least capable automobile manufacturers in the west British Leyland. Source: the case study of Honda Buyers bargaining power: consumers have many choices and brands, but the factors that affect more the consumer to buy a certain brand from another are: the appearance, quality, price, design. Consumers want always something new and nice looking with the latest technologies. The car had to be efficient, by saving fuel, protecting the environment, and running fast. Since there are lot of competitors, people have more choices to select the less costly, and better in quality, for being loyal to a certain brand, thats why Honda tries to make its cars unique. Honda has a history of delivering high quality and fuel efficient vehicles, so the consumers are seeking the best product for a good price. Honda has being a leader in producing fuel efficient and low emissions vehicles Hondas achievements on the technology front are well recognised, ranging from its cutting edge low pollution and low fuel consumption engine technologies. The CVCC engine attempts to reduce emission of the pollution and with less fuel used, while VTEC engines was fuel economy with more power Source: the case study of Honda Suppliers bargaining power: there are many suppliers in the automobile industry, and many suppliers rely on one or two automakers to buy a majority of their products. If an automaker decides to switch the supplier, it could be devastating to the previous supplier business. As a result, suppliers are extremely susceptible to the demands and requirements of the automobile manufacturer and hold very little power. Source: Honda relies on some main suppliers for the items and raw materials that uses in the manufacture of its products. Honda has only a handful of components makers that might be considered to belong to its suppliers family. Source: case study of Honda Porters Value Chain The value chain is a framework developed by Porter to describe the development of competitive advantage and the value of the business. It is a chain of activities for a firm operating in a specific industry. All organisations consist of activities that link together to develop the value of the business, and together these activities form the organisations value chain. Such activities may include purchasing activities, manufacturing the products, distribution and marketing of the companys products and activities. The value chain framework has been used as a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning of an organisation. Its aim is to maximise value creation while minimizing costs. Source: Value chain represents the processes from getting raw materials and components until providing the whole product or service. In order to conduct a value chain analysis, the company is divided into primary activities and support ones. Primary activities are those related with production, and the cost of providing the product or service, while support activities are those that maintain and arise the effectiveness and efficiency of the firm to enhance the product value. Primary activities: inbound logistics, operations (production), outbound logistics, marketing and sales (demand); services (maintenance). Support activities: administrative infrastructure management, HRM, technology (RD), and procurement. Source: Primary activities: Inbound logistics: it is related with bringing raw materials from suppliers, and handling them. Operations: it is related with the products and handling the raw material, to come up with the final means activities that transform the inputs into the output. Outbound logistics: it is related with activities of distributing the product. Marketing and sales: analyse the needs and wants of customers, creating awareness, advertisement, and sales promoting to attract people. Services activities are those that maintain and enhance the products value including customer support, repair service. Support activities: Procurement: purchasing raw materials for the companys operation at a high quality and low prices. Technology development: it is concerned with technological innovation, expertise and knowledge that lead the business to survive such as research and development. HRM: it is an important way of attaining sustainable competitive advantage by recruiting, training, motivating, and rewarding the workforce. Firm infrastructure: finance, quality management, RD. Lets now analyse Porters value chain on Honda Motors: Primary activities: Inbound logistics: Honda purchases the raw materials from a number of components and tries to gain advantages in quality and cost as much as possible. Both manual and automated assembly tasks to handle the components together to come up with the final product, and it also adopts an innovative strategy for the planning production called small batch production systems, in order to reduce costs and having a product variety. Operations: Honda has developed a small batch production system, in which same vehicles are sent down the assembly line in batches, and then workers execute the same task for each batch, then components are delivered to the assembly line in batches which exactly match the vehicle they will be fitted into. There is also the facelift that Honda applies to its cars; the components are then replaced by others more developed to come up with a new product. Honda designs models which are related to geographical dimension depend of different market segments. Outbound logistics: Marketing and sales: Honda expanded several products and models that customers could choose among them, and also it adopts a good production system that is related to its marketing and sales. Hondas strategy emphasizes the high technology build into all its products and it offers features like advanced engines as standards rather than optional extras, thus simplifying product variety within each model type, so that every customers could benefit from it whatever the model of the car. The alignment of output levels with customer demand tends to focus on sales strategy, so the production levels of particular models can be varied up or down as a function of demand. Services: Honda is aiming to improve their relational with the consumers, by being responsive to the service support throughout maintenance and repair, and adopting a high level of transparency with their customers. Support activities: Procurement: for a number of components, Honda arranges to purchase the raw materials gaining advantages in price and quality. It has also the possibility of purchasing raw materials from component makers located very long distance away to allow cheap labour sources in other regions, or purchasing them few square kilometres which is advantageous for just in time logistics. Technology development: Honda has technologically innovative products, developing new low pollution power sources for its vehicles such as CVCC and VTEC in order to have a good market positions, and also it gives to its models a cosmetic facelift every four years in order to gain competitive advantages. HRM: Honda praises the achievements of individuals, makes merit the key to promotion, and awards responsibility to younger employees across elder ones. Firm infrastructure: Honda had become well known in the business for the collective decision making process utilized by its top executives. Honda adopts too much dichotomies in their strategies management taking advantages from all. They also have a good research and development department aiming to improve the quality of the products and entering new technologies to gain sustainable advantages. The primary activities and the support ones are related to each other, one activity can affect the cost of another activity. Thus, the primary activity is related to the creation of the product by handling raw materials together and selling it, and the support activity is related to the competitive advantages that you gain from buying the components at a low cost and with a high quality and to the technology used in the product. So those linkages between the two activities added value to the firm, and can be a source for a sustainable competitive advantages. Reconciling dichotomies: This approach of reconciling dichotomies is used in a wide range of activities of Honda, and it represents the innovation strategy that seeks to adopt different ways and opposite polarities. Dichotomy means two contradictory polarities that do not fit together, and reconciling in this context, refers to an approach in which those two poles are somehow made compatible with each other. Hondas strategic thinking rejects the trade off, or to choose one strategy, however, Honda has mixed too many dichotomies to incorporate the best of both worlds, and this contributes to the success of its strategy. After Honda had selected its market and customers segments, it is time to decide how it wants to position itself within this segment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Narrative- Viola Lesson Essay example -- Personal Narrative Writing

Narrative- Viola Lesson I strolled towards the double glass doors, deliberately kicking at a large, spiky, chestnut pod as I went. It skidded across the concrete and sent three more spike-balls rolling before toppling over the edge of the ramp. Gazing upward through the branches, which were camouflaged by green and brown splotched clumps of large, tear-drop shaped leaves, I could see bits of crisp, blue, autumn sky. I repositioned the strap of my viola case on my shoulder. It's too bad I can't stay out here to enjoy the weather. At that thought, I slowed my walk. Why am I nervous? I'm more prepared for my lesson this week than I have been in a long time. The set of doors now loomed ahead of me, and I tugged one of them open, making my way up to the second floor of the building. I knew there was no reason for me to be nervous, but the butterflies flitting around in my stomach didn't seem to care. As I approached Dr. Sternbern's office, his door came clearly into view--I always enjoyed looking at it. The dark wood could barely be seen beneath the dozens of humorous cartoons pasted all over it. There was even a picture of Dr. Sternbern himself, with a carrot protruding from his mouth, and a sign below asking, "Do you know this man?" I smiled and could feel my anxiety floating away. Poking my head through the door, I spotted him working at his computer. Dr. Sternbern was in his mid-thirties, with dark hair, and a beard, which he had just started growing over the summer. He looked up and smiled a greeting, motioning for me to come in. "So how are you doing, Miss Marie?" "I'm fine," I replied, closing the door and looking for a spot to set my case. The chair where I normally put it was stacked with papers, and there were orc... ...embered something Dr. Sternbern had told me before. He said he had seen lots of students try to excel at too many things. It usually resulted in them being unable to do their best at anything. So, my thoughts continued, I should pick one thing to do my very best at, and then work hard in the other areas with the time and energy I have left. A smile of understanding slowly spread across my face. Through my lessons, Dr. Sternbern had taught me many things about playing the viola, but what I had just begun to understand was, perhaps, of even greater importance. I realized now that this truth, more than any technique, would allow me to reach my goal of playing the viola to the best of my ability. Sighing happily, I tilted my head upward, breathed in the refreshing fall air, and, with a well-aimed, departing kick, sent half a dozen more spike-balls shooting off the ramp.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Gap Year: Just Say No Essay -- Education, A Gap Year

You’re coming back from a well needed break from school and you feel invigorated and ready to start. The first few weeks are the hardest to adjust to because your brain hasn’t been used throughout the break. The dilemma with breaks, such as summer break, is that one loses valuable information from past academic courses that are essential to ones progress towards higher education. Imagine a whole year without learning and then coming back to intense rigorous classes at a University. Seniors at high schools over the nation have the opportunity of taking a year off before committing to a college. This is known as a Gap Year; instead of directly enrolling into a University many students feel the need to take a break before starting their education towards their future career. Yes, a Gap Year does sound pleasing and beneficial, but in the long run it can be damaging towards ones future. Students should be aware of the ramification a Gap Year brings, such as, t he possibility for enrolling in a graduate school is lower, academic growth is reduced, and social obstacles become present. Before understanding the consequences of a gap year, it is important to understand why people take a Gap Year. Senior year can be tense and come with several unanswered questions. Seniors are given four options when leaving High School. Those choices are either joining the army, going straight to work, applying to college, or taking a Gap Year. In a journal by Sunny Niu and Marta Tienda, â€Å"Delayed Enrollment and College Plans: Is There a Postponement Penalty?† explains some of the reasons why high school graduates tend to not go directly to a four year university. One of the main reasons high school graduates are hesitant to attend co... ... index.php/considering-a-gap-year/why-take-a-gap-year>. Holmes, Bradford. "Decide If a Gap Year Makes Sense to You." Us News: n. pag. Print. Horn, Laura, Emily Forrest Cataldi, and Anna Sikora. "Waiting to Attend College." National Center of Education Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2013. . Niu, Sunny, and Marta Tienda. "Delayed Enrollment and College Plans: Is There a Postponement Penalty?" Journal of Higher Education (2013): 1-28. Print. O’Shea, Joseph. "Delaying the Academy: A Gap Year Education." Teaching in Higher Education (2011): 1-14. Print. Wells, Ryan S., and Cassie M. Lynch. "Delayed College Entry and the Socioeconomic Gap: Examining the Roles of Student Plans, Family Income, Parental Education, and Parental Occupation." Journal of Higher Education

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Seeing Nature Through Our Own Eyes :: Advertisements Advertising Essays

Seeing Nature Through Our Own Eyes missing works cited Cultural signs and messages can be seen everywhere. Advertisements are one example of these signs and messages. All of these advertisements are made depending on what our society wants and how we view things. For example, many ads try to attract a busy, stressed out, urbanized man to a more peaceful and calm scenario by making a connection of their product to a peaceful part of nature. Since we believe that nature is peaceful and calm, we believe these products will bring us these qualities through nature. If nature were labeled as disturbing and unbearable, then these ads, which try to connect nature with their product, would not attract us. Oscar Wilde also agrees with this when he points out à ¬Things are because we see them, and what we see, and how we see it, depends on the Arts that have influenced usà ®(Oates 465). A careful analysis of a few ads can help exemplify this belief. Everything we see, including these advertisements of nature, is interpreted differently depending on our background and experiences that has influenced us. All advertisements fall into one or more of three categories defined by Merchant. These categories are hierarchy, dialectics, or pastoral. The hierarchy category includes masculine aspects such as activeness, dominance, and adventure. On the other hand, the pastoral category is the opposite of the hierarchy category and includes more feminine ideas such as passiveness, peacefulness, and motherhood. The remaining dialectic category is one that is hard to define because it is neither active nor passive. This category falls in between hierarchy and pastoral because it contains ads that contain ideas that are neither feminine nor masculine. The following descriptions of the three ads fall into one or more of these categories. The first advertisement of a Nissan Xterra SUV gives you a à «reference domainà ­ of strength, comfort, and power. The ad tries to convince us to buy this SUV, which can be used to conquer nature comfortably. The ads has in big bold letters à ¬Couch for Sale,à ® as it tells us that this SUV can be taken to à ¬the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, whereverà ® and we can still be comfortable with this new type of à ¬couch.à ® The ad tries to make our couch at home seem boring and this SUV not only comfortable but also more fun by telling us à ¬rid [ourselves] of the soft, fluffy cushions and venture to where the fun is.

A Man with Five Children Essay

Prescriptions Statement In this elective students explore a variety of texts that deal with the ways in which individuals and communities experience and live in a global context. Students consider the positive and negative aspects of the global village and the consequences of these on attitudes, values and beliefs. Students also consider the role and uses of media and technology within the global village and different attitudes people may have towards them. Students respond to and compose a range of texts to investigate how and in what ways living in a global village may influence the ways we communicate, engage and interact with each other. Elective 1: The Global Village Background to term â€Å"The Global Village† The phrase â€Å"global village† was first used by Marshall McLuhan, a media theorist in the 1960s, to describe a world that has been â€Å"shrunk† by modern advances in communications. McLuhan likened the vast network of communications systems to one extended central nervous system, ultimately linking everyone in the world. McLuhan wrote that the visual, individualistic print culture would soon be brought to an end by what he called â€Å"electronic interdependence†: when electronic media replace visual culture with aural/oral culture. In this new age, humankind will move from individualism and fragmentation to a  collective identity, with a â€Å"tribal base.† McLuhan’s coinage for this new social organization is the global village, a term which has predominantly negative connotations in The Gutenberg Galaxy (a fact lost on its later popularisers). (Source: Information on text Backcover Blurb â€Å"I want your child, and yours, and yours. What do I want from them? One day out of their lives. One day a year, till they turn twenty-one. One day for the camera to follow them.† Gerry is a documentary film-maker who, on day each year, follows five children around with a camera. He shows the results annually on television. Yet for the children who grow up under Gerry’s (and the nation’s) watchful eye, the experience creates its own dynamic. Are the participants his subjects, his children or his creations? What responsibility does a story-teller have to his subjects, his audience, and himself? How much does Gerry take? Does the presence of the camera distort the lives it is supposed to be capturing? Spanning more than twenty years, A Man With Five Children invites you into a world of fractured celebrity and distorted vision. Links to syllabus within the core text Students explore a variety of texts that deal with the ways in which individuals and communities experience and live in a global context. technology providing a window into people’s lives private lives in public space the cult of â€Å"ordinary† celebrities the connectedness among strangers Students consider the positive and negative aspects of the global village and the consequences of these on attitudes, values and beliefs. manipulation of both subject and representation of subject by media leads to manipulation of public opinion public misrepresentation of character leads to private questioning of identity loss of privacy Students also consider the role and uses of media and technology within the global village and different attitudes people may have towards them. attitude of media creators and their agenda various attitudes of subjects reflect different reasons/needs attitudes of consumer in the global village consider: the global village fills a gap in people’s lives Key Concepts Private Realm, Public Sphere How private is private? A personal blog on Myspace is regarded as â€Å"published† in the public realm. YouTube can project images of a girl dancing in her bedroom to millions around the world. What rights does an ordinary citizen have to privacy? What rights does a famous individual have to privacy? Habermas’ theory on the public sphere is based on the belief that a public sphere is â€Å"an accessible and independent realm in which each voice is equal to one.†1 To this end, many may regard the function of mass media as a public sphere, representative of the citizenry and accessible to all. But is this the case? Is every voice equal? Is mass media really reflective of democracy? Who controls the public sphere of mass media, if anyone? Manipulation by Media In a society growing increasingly dependent on media and technology to inform and express ourselves, how reliable can the medium be regarded? How open to manipulation are we as an individual and as a society? Who is manipulating us? The media subject? The media maker? The media distributor? How is this information further warped by our own perceptions of the world? Who or what  can be trusted? What may be considered credible or authoritative? Will we believe only talking images, i.e. words coming out of a mouth that we can see? Can even this be misrepresented? The Unknown Celebrity McLuhan, in coining the phrase â€Å"global village†, was referring to a world whose borders of communication have effectively disappeared. Even now, what we see on TV can be immediately transferred to distribution via the internet, reaching an audience far greater than that which was originally intended. As a result, ordinary people become ‘celebrities’, transiently or long term, to the extent that, despite never having personal knowledge of these people, we feel that we ‘know’ them. To what extent can these people be known? Is knowledge of their lives and thoughts public property due to their fame or infamy? Is there a public right to know? Has the ‘celebrity’, willing or not, forsaken their right to fair representation or privacy? To what extent do celebrities control their public image? No Moral Bent McLuhan argued that technology has no per se moral bent – that it is a tool that profoundly shapes an individual’s and, by extension, a society’s self-conception and realization.2 Is the media and technology a forum devoid of moral values or moral discourse? Does the public right to information exceed a person’s individual rights to privacy? There are laws to protect an individual from slander and defamation, but none to protect a person from misrepresentation through editing or omission. The Positive Power of Media and Technology Mass media is a very powerful weapon in the right hands: it can unify and arouse a whole populace to action; it provides even access to information for all who seek it; it provides knowledge of the world of which we might otherwise remain ignorant; it provides a voice for the ordinary individual who chooses to speaks up or speak publicly; it allows understanding of  minorities, the underdog and the disadvantaged, it also provides a forum for the exchange of goods and services. Possible Theses The global village brings knowledge of the world into your living room; however, you are always consuming someone else’s perspective. Media and technology may be powerful tools for information and exchange, but come with a hidden cost to society. Suggestions for introductory activities Dependence on technology Students could keep a log over a 24 hour period or longer, recording every instance of use, engagement or interaction with technology. This activity leads into a discussion/exploration of our dependence on technology on a daily level. Students conduct a survey of those that have recently communicated with someone in another country via the web, phone, fax or email. How do we inform ourselves? In groups, students conduct a survey to establish all the ways that we inform ourselves as individuals and a population. What information do we rely upon to form opinions about what is occurring here and overseas? What kind of information and format do we regard as credible? What don’t we regard as credible? How do we know what information we can trust? The global village as strength and as a weakness Students in groups brainstorm all the ways in which we benefit from being so closely and immediately connected to other individuals around the world. Do all individuals benefit, or is there inequality in the global village? What  are the pros and cons of this kind of global network? Students should also consider the more complex questions of: Who controls the global village? How does living in or participating in the global village affect our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us? Text-Related Activities Students respond to and compose a range of texts to investigate how and in what ways living in a global village may influence the ways we communicate, engage and interact with each other. Looking at Gerry’s opening speech. Short answer questions. What is the effect of the direct address to the audience of this speech? What does Gerry promise about how the project will be conducted? What benefits does he offer the parents of these children? What reason does he give for the public benefit of the project? What is the symbolism of Gerry meeting the kids at the zoo? Would these arguments persuade you? Would you have liked to have been part of a project like this one, or Seven Up? 1) Write a letter to Gerry as a parent responding to his request for your child. Outline your feelings, concerns, objections, reasons for agreement etc. 2) Write a letter to Gerry as a one of the five children in the play at age 21. What do they have to say to Gerry in response to this speech he made to their parents at the beginning of the project? *** Gerry says in the opening speech: â€Å"You know that old maxim? ‘Give me a child at seven, I’ll show you the adult’. I don’t buy that. I say, give me a child at seven and let’s see where he goes, where she goes.† Compare the five children as you meet them at seven to the adult at the end of the play. To what extent can you see the adult they would become at the age of seven? To what extent are the adults these children become a product of Gerry’s role in their lives? To what extent does the media scrutiny affect their development and the perspective of themselves and the world they hold as adults? Select ONE of the children then write two short interviews, firstly, with a former teacher of the child and, secondly, with a spouse or friend of the child as an adult. Explore the character’s development throughout the play. *** Reverse the gaze of the camera. Write a short film scene of Gerry talking to the camera at the end of the play. Have him reflect on his actions throughout the project and the lives of the children. If possible, video tape the enactment of this scene. *** You are responsible for marketing the box set of Gerry’s Five Children documentaries. How will you promote it? What aspects of the children’s lives do you focus on? Produce a brochure and a print advertisement for distribution at the point of sale. Assessment Task Course: Standard English Module C: The Global Village Task: Viewing and Representing Weighting: 15% Syllabus Outcomes 2. A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships among texts. 6. A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally. 7. A student adapts and synthesises a range of textual features to explore and communicate information, ideas and values for a  variety of purposes, audiences and contexts. 8. A student articulates and represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts from a range of perspectives. Viewing and Representing Task Technology brings the world closer together. Who does it serve and what impact does it have on society? Respond to the above statement and question in a visual representation based on your prescribed text The Man with Five Children and at least one other text of your own choosing. Your visual representation can be presented in any medium of production such as: Power point, flip chart or smart notebook Diorama Model Poster Slide show Short film Story board Dramatic monologue Free choice Your visual representation must contain: Visual images and graphics Text from the play and at least one other text of own choosing Connections between the texts and the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village You will be assessed on how well you: Represent the concept of the global village through graphics and text Represent the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Represent the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Make integrated connections between the texts Module C: Standard English Texts and Society MARKING GUIDELINES Criteria Marks Skilful representation of the concept of the global village through graphics and text Perceptive representation the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Skilful representation of the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Skilful integrated connections between the texts 15 – 13 Effective representation of the concept of the global village through graphics and text Thoughtful representation the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Effective representation of the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Effective integrated connections between the texts 12 – 10 Sound representation of the concept of the global village through graphics and text Sound representation the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Sound representation of the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Sound integrated connections between the texts 9 – 7 Limited representation of the concept using graphics and text Limited representation the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Limited representation of the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Limited connections between the texts 6 – 4 Elementary representation using graphics and text Elementary representation the ideas of the play and at least one other text of own choosing Elementary representation of the positive and negative impact of technology on the global village Elementary or no connections  between the texts 3 – 0

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Indian Gdp

India Economy piggy domestic harvesting Indias economy is the twelfth largest in the cosmos in hurt of trade exchange pastures. Since liberalization of the economy in 1991, the economy has progressed towards a market-based system from a regulated and protected one. The expanse became the split second fastest maturement economy in the world in 2008. India Economy gross domestic product exploitation govern was 6. 1% in 2009. stark(a) Domestic Product (gross domestic product) is the touchstone of a countrys sparing performance. It is the market prize of all(a) the goods and function produced in a year. gross domestic product can be calculated in 3 ways namely through the product (or widening) climb, disbursal approach and income approach.The product approach is the most direct one which calculates the nub product output of each class. The outlay approach calculates the total look upon of the products bought by an individual which should be equal to the exp closedo wniture of the things bought. The expenditure approach calculates the sum of all the producers incomes where the incomes of the productive factors ar equal to the value of their product. In 2007, the Indian economy gross domestic product crossed all over a million dollar which made it one of the xii billion dollar economy countries in the world.There has been excellent progress in knowledge process assistants, information technology, and spicy end services. But the stinting harvest-home has been domain and location specific. The trend for Indias gross domestic product evolution count are given below 1960-1980 3. 5% 1980-1990 5. 4% 1990-2000 4. 4% 2000-2009 6. 4% Contribution of distinguishable sectors in gross domestic product to a commence vagabond are the contributions of different sectors in the Indias gross domestic product for 1990-1991 Agriculture 32% dish domain 41% pains 27% Below are the contributions of different sectors in the Indias gross do mestic product for 2005-2006- Agriculture 20%Service Sector 54% assiduity 26% Below are the contributions of different sectors in the Indias gross domestic product for 2007-2008- Agriculture 17% Service Sector 54% Industry 29% The service sector contributes to a greater extent than fractional of Indias gross domestic product. Earlier gardening was the main contributor to the gross domestic product. To improve the gross domestic product and boost the economy, the government has taken divers(a) steps like implementation of FDI policies, SEZs and NRI enthronizations. The gross domestic product result rate slowed bulge to 6. 1% in 2009. In 2006, the countrys trade contributed to most 24% of the GDP from 6% in 1985. concord to Goldman Sachs, Indias GDP in afoot(predicate) prices may overtake France and Italy by 2020, Russia, Germany and UK by 2025 and Japan by 2035. It is in like manner predicted that Indian economy pass on be the triad largest after US and China by 203 5. In 2007, horticulture contributed about 16. 6% of the GDP. Even though its share has been declining, culture plays a major(ip) part in the Indias socio economical development. Industry contributes around 27. 6% of the GDP (2007 est). The services sector contributed to 55% of the GDP in 2007.The IT application contributed around 7% of the GDP in 2008 which was 4. 8% in 2005-06. Remittances from overseas Indian migrants were around $27 billion or around 3% of the GDP of Indias economy in 2006. Indian Economy-Facts on India GDP The Indian economy is the twelfth largest in the world It ranks 5th pertaining to purchasing power space-reflection symmetry (PPP) according to the modish calculation of the military personnel Bank The GDP of India in the year 2007 was US $1. 09 trillion India is the one of the most apace growing economies in the world The egress rate of the India GDP was 9. 4% per year receivable to the huge population the per capita income in India is $964 at nominal and $4,182 at PPP Points to mark while calculating India GDP cipher India GDP has to be done carefully pertaining to the diversity of the Indian Economy. There are different sectors contributing to the GDP in India such(prenominal) as agriculture, textile, manufacturing, information technology, telecommunication, petroleum, and so on The different sectors contributing to the India GDP are classified into cardinal segments, such as primary or agriculture sector, lowly sector or manufacturing sector, and tertiary or service sector. With the introduction of the digital era, Indian economy has huge scopes in the proximo to become one of the leading economies in the world. India has become one of the most favour desti terra firmas for outsourcing activities. India at present is one of the biggest exporter of extremely skilled labor to different countries The new sectors such as pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, biotechnology, telecommunication, aviation, manufac turing, shipbuilding, and tourism would experience very high rate of emergence How to calculate India GDP-The method ofCalculating India GDPis the expenditure method, which is, GDP = pulmonary tuberculosis + enthronement + (government spending) + (exports-imports) and the formula is GDP = C + I + G + (X-M) Where, C stands for consumption which includes in the flesh(predicate) expenditures pertaining to food, households, medical expenses, rent, etc I stands for business investment as capital which includes construction of a new mine, procure of machinery and equipment for a grind, purchase of software, expenditure on new houses, acquire goods and services but investments on monetary products s not included as it falls below savings G stands for the total government expenditures on closing goods and services which includes investment expenditure by the government, purchase of weapons for the military, and salaries of public servants X stands for gross exports which incl udes all goods and services produced for overseas consumption M stands for gross imports which includes any goods or services imported for consumption and it should be deducted to prevent from calculating extraneous run as domestic supply new-fashioned developments in Indian GDP all over the past 4 depicts India egregious Domestic Product (GDP) has extended 6. 10%. According to World Bank report, India Gross Domestic Product accounts to 1217 billion dollars or 1. 96% of the world economy. India being a diverse economy incorporates customary hamlet farming, handicrafts and wide range of contemporary exertion and services. run are considered as a chief factor behind the economic elevation accounting for more than half of Indias productivity. Since 1997, Indian economy has registered an clean produce rate of more than 7%, minimizing poverty rate by around 10%.Indias GDP grew at a notable 9. 2 per pennyimeime in the year 2006-2007. Now that the service sector accounts for mo re than half of the GDP is a landmark in the economic history of India and helps the nation to come close at hand(predicate) to the basics of an industrial economy. Where does India stand? India is positioned as one of the major economies worldwide in terms of the purchasing power parity (PPP) of the gross domestic product (GDP) by chief financial units of the world such as the planetary Monetary Fund, the CIA and the World Bank. In terms of agricultural output India is the second largest.Industries related to the agriculture countenance in addition played an important role in the up gradation of the nations economy by theory up employ avenues in the forestry, sportfishing and logging sectors. For the elevation in the take volume in Indian agriculture various five year plans should also be given due credit. Improvements in irrigation methods as well(p) as practise of modern technologies have also added value to the agriculture processes. In terms of factory output India rank s 14th in bar produced by industrial sector.Gas, mining, electricity and tap industries also play major developmental roles and contribute in a major way to the GDP. Latest snapshots of India Per Capita GDP Indias Per Capita Income stood at Rs 19040 in the year 2002-03 In 2003-04 India Per Capita Income was Rs 20989. Per Capita Income in India was Rs 23241 in 2004-05. In the financial year 2008-2009 the Per Capita GDP in India was Rs 37490. Per Capita GDP at factor rate at regular (1999-2000) prices in the FY 2008-2009 is estimated to reach a level of Rs 3351653. In 2008-2009 India attained a suppuration rate of 7. per penny. A incorporated ontogenesis rate of 2. 6 per penny in the field of agriculture, forestry and fishing was witnessed in the FY 2008-2009 Service industry had a growth rate of 10. 3 per cent in 2008-2009 During 2008-2009 industry saw a growth rate of 3. 4 per cent. Indian States in terms of Per Capita Income Jharkhand and Orissa which are considered as dickens backward states are increasingly create in terms of per capita income. This expansion is facilitated by the growth of business activities taking place in these two mineral inscrutable states. Jharkhand with per capita income of Rs 14,990 has affix 16. 6 per cent rise. Orissa is a spectator of an steady growth of 11. 5 per cent in per capita income (Rs 14. 795) The industrialized Gujarat and Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are rated among the top states with per capita income more than Rs 20,734 Karnataka has per capita income most 9. 28% followed by Gujarat and Tamil Nadu at 8. 92% and 8. 46% one by one. Delhi and Goa however has lower growth rate at 6. 9 per cent and 6 per cent respectively but ranks the highest in per capita income at Rs 49172 and Rs. 7507 respectively. Chhattisgarh with upthrow in social, political and economic bet registered a growth of 8. 8 per cent. However, the average income base is very minimal at Rs. 16,365. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are only to make a mark in the category of highest per capita income as the growth measures in these states are yet to be implemented. At per capita income of Rs. 12566, Rs. 10637 and Rs. 6610 of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar respectively, these states have the miry rates of 2. per cent, 3. 1 per cent and 3. 7 per cent respectively. 17 states have per capita income little than the national average of 8. 4%. Indias Per Capita Income in coming years Indias per capita income is predicted to rise in coming years. FY 2008-09 was evaluate to witness more than double of per capita income over the last seven years to Rs 38,084, indicating sweetener in the living standards of an average Indian citizen. The highest increase in per capita income was seen during 2006-07 in terms of percentage which stood at 13. %. However, after reduce for inflation (at 1999-2000 rates), the per capita income is predicted to grow to Rs25,661, indicating an upsurge of 5. 6%. In conclu sion, as compared to other nations, India has performed well inspite of the global financial meltdown. GDP India maturation Rate India is considered as one of the opera hat players in the world economy in the past few decades, but rapidly increasing inflation and the intricacies in administering the worlds biggest democracy are acting as the major hurdle in the field of development.Indian economy in recent years has been consistently performing with flying colors, escalating 9. 2% in 2007 and 9. 6% in 2006. This uninterrupted expansion is help by markets restructuring, huge infusions of FDI, increasing foreign exchange reserves, boom in some(prenominal) IT and real estate sectors, and a stentorian capital market. The latest reviews of the India GDP growth rate are as under For the first quarter of 2007-08 GDP posted a growth of 9. 3% and stood at Rs 7,23,132 crore, as compared to the consequent quarter of earlier fiscal year In the quarter of April-June economy of India g rew at 9. %. The progress was triggered by construction, manufacturing, services and agriculture industries For the week cogitate July 28, 2007, the yearly inflation rate was 4. 45% Balance of Payments in India is predicted to remain contended intersection Exports registered steady growth Manufacturing posted 11. 95 expansion Difference between GDP and GDP Growth Rate retail spending, government expenses exports and inventory levels determine GDP growth rate. Elevation in imports bequeath affect GDP growth in a veto way. Economic specialty of a nation is indicated by the GDP growth rate.Development in GDP will eventually boom business, employment opportunities and personal income. On the flip side, if GDP slows down, then business ventures and already constituted enterprises will come to a halt. This will call off monetary infusion in new purchases, tie-ups and recruiting new employees bowl the economy gain pace. As a result the GDP kick upstairs deteriorates because the consumers do not have sufficient bills to spend on buying a product or service. India GDP growth rate in 2009 According to International Monetary Fund (IMF) economic growth rate of India is predicted to dip by 6. per cent in the fiscal year 2009. IMF has further stated that this relegation is unavoidable because the Asian nations are not fully corrosion-resistant to the global financial crisis and its consequent ostracize effects. IMFs World Economic Outlook (WEO), released in Washington on October 8, 2008, explains the slopping of GDP growth rate in the last three years. In 2007 GDP growth rate was 9. 3 per cent while in 2008 it dipped to 7. 8 per cent and would end up at 6. 9 per cent in 2009. The analysis also assert that Asias economic growth rate is expected to undergo a negative transition in the coming fiscal year. class 2008 witnessed a 7. 7 per cent decline in GDP growth rate of Asia which would eventually end up at 7. 1 per cent in 2009. Financial market worldwide under went a severe slowdown after the kinfolk 08 market turmoil and is becoming financially fragile day by day. The spineless financial market is incapable of attracting investors attention. India has also suffered a major setback in the year 2005-07 according to IMF, when the worldwide agate line markets slipped radically. LAST 5 YEARS GDP FOR DIFFERENT SECTORS gameboard 1 AGRICULTURE socio-economic class Agriculture At immutable Prices At certain Prices 2004-05 482910 552422 2005-06 511114 625635 2006-07 531315 686044 2007-08 557122 782597 2008-09 566045 861753 hold over 2 INDUSTRY socio-economic class Industry At everlasting Prices At trustworthy Prices 2004-05 468451 598271 2005-06 506519 679781 2006-07 560775 794127 2007-08 602032 898627 2008-09 617882 985297 gameboard 3 MINING & quarry Mining & Quarrying Year At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 52591 84776 2005-06 55164 94533 2006-07 60038 106024 2007-08 61999 117431 2008-09 6424 4 125414 fudge 4 MANUFACTURING Year Manufacturing At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 361115 453603 2005-06 393842 519743 2006-07 440193 617648 2007-08 476303 705130 2008-09 487739 780405 TABLE 5 ELECTRICITY, GAS & WATER SUPPLY Year Electricity, Gas & Water Supply At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 54745 59892 2005-06 57513 65505 2006-07 60544 70455 2007-08 63730 76066 2008-09 65899 79478 TABLE 6 SERVICES Year Services At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 1437407 1727008 2005-06 1598468 1976969 2006-07 1779029 2299212 2007-08 1970563 2639668 2008-09 2155448 3086132 TABLE 7 CONSTRUCTION Year Construction At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 158212 212807 2005-06 183868 264173 2006-07 205543 319180 2007-08 226325 376266 2008-09 242577 437017 TABLE 8 TRADE,HOTEL,TRANSPORT AND communication Year Trade, Hotel, Transport and Communications At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 615849 706073 200 5-06 690399 809870 2006-07 778896 947096 2007-08 875398 1090708 2008-09 954589 1246718 TABLE 9 FINANCE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE & championship SERVICES Year Finance, Insurance, Real earth & Business Services At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 323080 405081 2005-06 359888 452469 2006-07 409472 524019 2007-08 457584 594096 2008-09 493356 691221 TABLE 10 COMMUNITY, SOCIAL & PERSONAL SERVICES Year Community, Social & Personal Services At Constant Prices At Current Prices 2004-05 340266 403047 2005-06 364313 450457 2006-07 385118 508917 2007-08 411256 578598 2008-09 464926 711176